sábado, 6 de diciembre de 2014


Here you have the video of the Christmas carol we'll sing on the 22nd .You can see it and rehearse to learn it.

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2014


Hona hemen Gabonetan abestuko ditugun abestiak gurasoen aurrean azken eskola egunean.  Denak ensaiatzeko etxean jartzen ditut, gurasoek ere nahi badute. Anima zaitezte denak!




martes, 2 de diciembre de 2014


Hello children.Unit 3 exam will be next Wednesday, on the 10th of December.These are the points you'll have to revise:
   -vocabulary of this unit:Olympic sports
   -the story about Olympics
   -specific vocabulary of the unit:skateboard,helmet...
   -description of a famous athlete

If you have any problem with any of these points,you have two days  to tell me and I will explain them again.