miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013


Hi everybody! We want to present you the didactic unit that we’ve been learning during the last three weeks: Animals characteristics and classification.

First of all, using as support a PowerPoint and some videos from “youtube”, we learned about the characteristics that differentiate animals from other organisms (plants, mushrooms and algae):

  • Animals feed on other living things
  • They have one or more sense organs
  • They can move
This was not easy for us to interiorize, as it has some complex and abstract concepts; so we tried to reinforce it with some sheets and revising it during different sessions.

Apart from that, we also studied the animal classification! For that, we first read what the Science book explains. As it says, we can classify animals having into account three different aspects: what they eat, how they are born and the type of skeleton they have. The information on the book was nice, but it was nicest to build our own mind map!!!!

First we all together did a conceptual map on the blackboard: 

Next session we revised it and we did our own map in each notebook.

Finally, after having revised the entire unit, we’ve done a class mural with a beautiful mind map about animal classification! 

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Anima zaitez laguntxo... Pixka bat es mucho